Evil Telegram: Do not download this version of Telegram even by mistake, privacy of one crore people is in danger
Evil Telegram: Kaspersky has said in one of its reports that a version of Telegram has been found on Google Play Store which comes with Trojan malware. Trojan is a spyware. This version of the Telegram app is called Evil Telegram.
Malware in Android apps has now become common. Every day a list of such Android apps comes out that contain malware. Google filters them out from time to time, yet there is no visible reduction in malware apps.
Now Kaspersky, an anti-virus software company and security agency, has said in one of its reports that a version of Telegram has been found on Google Play Store which comes with Trojan malware. Trojan is a spyware. This version of the Telegram app is being called Evil Telegram.
The report says that the Evil Telegram app has currently been removed from the Google Play Store, but before that, this app has been downloaded by more than 1 crore people. This app was uploaded by Chinese developers. The developers of Evil Telegram had claimed that it is faster than the original Telegram app. This app contained malicious code that was transmitting users' personal information to developers.
Apart from the ID, nickname, name, phone number, and contact list of Telegram app users, it was also reading text messages. The code of Trojan malware has been found in the code of this app. This app was reading the ID of all the incoming messages and was keeping an eye on every message. Evil Telegram app tgsync.s3. A temporary file was created by the name of which it contained all the information about the users and the developers had access to this information.