5 non-BJP-ruled states first distanced themselves from the State Educational Achievement Survey; Aim is to improve the education system of the country

The National Institute of Evaluation Regulatory Authority (AICTE) conducted the first State Educational Achievement Survey. It did not include five states ruled by non-BJP parties, including Delhi and West Bengal. This comprehensive survey covered approximately 80 lakh students from three lakh schools in 5 917 blocks across the country. This also includes 6 lakh teachers and more than 3 lakh regional investigators.

Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:18 AM (IST)
5 non-BJP-ruled states first distanced themselves from the State Educational Achievement Survey; Aim is to improve the education system of the country

Five states ruled by non-BJP parties, including Delhi and West Bengal, did not feature in the first state educational achievement survey conducted by the national assessment regulator Pariksha.

According to Education Ministry officials, the survey aims to identify areas requiring improvement in school teaching and learning. The survey, conducted on November 3, assessed educational competencies among students in classes three, six, and nine at the block level in India.

The comprehensive survey covered nearly 80 lakh students from three lakh schools in 5,917 blocks across the country. This also includes 6 lakh teachers and more than 3 lakh regional investigators. A senior Education Ministry official said, 'The primary objective of this survey involves assessing the learning ability of students at the end of each educational stage, i.e. basic, elementary and middle levels with a primary focus on language and mathematics.

The official said that except for Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, and West Bengal, all other states and union territories participated in the survey. School Education Secretary Sanjay Kumar said the survey was inspired by the objective of addressing the needs of a large number of students and effectively understanding the performance at a deeper level. In addition, this approach also includes professional development programs for teachers at the block level.

Additional Secretary, of School Education, Vipin Kumar said this assessment, with the educational block as the finest unit of analysis, will have a profound impact on education policies, teacher training programs, and formulation of teaching and learning support resources. Officials said that this is the first such survey conducted by Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH), an organization under NCERT.

Muskan Kumawat Muskan Kumawat is a Journalist & Content Writer at Sangri Times English, covering a wide range of topics, including news, entertainment, and trending stories. With a strong passion for storytelling and in-depth reporting, she delivers engaging and informative content to readers.