TRAI: You will have to pay for using two SIM cards in one phone, the government can charge
TRAI: The regulator says that mobile numbers are the property of the government, and are given to telecom companies for a fixed period. In such a situation, the government can charge a fee for the SIM card.

If you also use two SIM cards, there is a piece of big news for you. The government intends to impose a fine on anyone who uses two SIM cards in one phone. According to ET, the telecom regulator has developed a proposal for this. The regulator has stated that this decision might be made to avoid the misuse of numbers.
According to the regulator, everyone now has a smartphone with two SIM cards, but they only use one of them. According to the FCC, cellphone numbers are government property that are assigned to telecom operators for a set length of time. In such cases, the government may impose a fee for the SIM card.
According to the regulator, people keep two SIM cards. They use one and recharge the other just to keep it active. Telecom companies also do not shut down these SIM cards due to the fear of decreasing the number of customers.
According to the regulator, a fixed fee can be charged on the SIM card which will be annual i.e. a fee will have to be paid once a year. According to TRAI, such a system already exists in many countries of the world. This list includes countries like Australia, Singapore, Belgium, Finland, Britain, Lithuania, Greece, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Kuwait, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Nigeria, South Africa and Denmark.