Telegram is not as secure as before, CEO said - If needed, we will give users' data to the government
Telegram: Durov said that Telegram has updated its terms of service in accordance with these changes. A major update is that the company has decided to block users who search for illegal items or content through Telegram's search feature.
If you use Telegram because it is safer than WhatsApp, then you are under some illusion. Anytime, Telegram can share your phone number, IP address, and even messages with the government. It isn't us saying this, but rather Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram himself.
This is a shift from its staunch privacy views considering it has started sharing information about the users, including their phone numbers and IP addresses, with law enforcement agencies or the government based on suspicion of any illegal activities. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said in a statement. The shift comes after Durov was arrested by French authorities last month as they accused Telegram of not cooperating in investigating activities that are against the law.
Durov also said that, with such changes, Telegram revised its Terms of Service. Probably the biggest update is that the company has decided to block users who seek illegal items or content through the search feature on Telegram. If one continues to attempt to access or share this kind of content, then Telegram also may share his phone number and IP address with the authorities, if legally demanded.
Durov underlined that "the search in Telegram was supposed to help you find your friends or some news, not illegal behavior", but also that the company uses AI to make such content-drugs, fraud, or child abuse-cannot be found via the search bar.