Tag: Google

Google told the reason behind the delete the location h...

Google Maps: If your data was backed up on Google Cloud, then you can easily rec...

IPL 2025: Mega-festival of cricket starts today, Google...

IPL 2025: On the special occasion of IPL 2025, Google has created a great doodle...

Google Pixel 9a with 48 megapixel primary camera launch...

Google Pixel 9a: The phone has a 48-megapixel primary rear camera and comes with...

Google made a great doodle on the last half-moon of Mar...

Google Doodle: If anyone wants to keep an eye on the lunar phases even beyond th...

Google created a very special doodle to celebrate the a...

Women's Day: Google said in its message, "This doodle celebrates International W...

Issue of accidents caused by Google Maps echoed in Parl...

Google Map: Referring to recent incidents related to Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, and ...

Google Lens gets new update, now camera access will be ...

Google Lens: Currently, when a user taps on the Google Lens app, it opens with a...

Pixel Phone: Google is changing the battery for free, c...

Pixel Phone: This software update is for the battery performance stability of ol...

Government of India ban on many VPN apps-websites; Goog...

The Home Ministry had ordered Google and Apple to remove these VPN apps. This re...

Google appointed Preeti Lobana as Country Manager and V...

Google announced the appointment of Preeti Lobana as the new Country Manager and...

Google partnered with NCERT; YouTube channels will be l...

Google has partnered with NCERT to promote education in India. NCERT will launch...

Google has created a great doodle for great chess festi...

Google Doodle: Through its doodle today, Google has celebrated the historical an...

Google launches new feature through which now you'll ha...

Google Air View+: The dangerous levels of pollutants like PM10 and PM2.5 in Delh...

Meta is working on a new WhatsApp feature for fact check

WhatsApp Update: This feature relies on Google's reverse image search function a...

Google confirmed that Android 16 will be launched earli...

Android 16, Google Android 16: To make Android releases more timely and effectiv...

Google created a doodle in memory of singer Krishnakuma...

Today Doodle on KK: On 31 May 2022, KK was performing at a music event in Kolkat...