Parmeet Devgun sharing her views on Women Empowerment and plus size fashion

New Delhi (India), September 4: Parmeet Devgun is a woman with a strong personality and is working as a Social worker, Sole proprietor of the Aaham Expedition, activity member of the Women’s Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (WICCI), a Vice President Of The Organisation and Plus Size Model.  Sharing her views on Women’s Empowerment and […]

Sep 4, 2023 - 18:17
Parmeet Devgun sharing her views on Women Empowerment and plus size fashion

New Delhi (India), September 4: Parmeet Devgun is a woman with a strong personality and is working as a Social worker, Sole proprietor of the Aaham Expedition, activity member of the Women’s Indian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (WICCI), a Vice President Of The Organisation and Plus Size Model. 

Sharing her views on Women’s Empowerment and Plus Size Fashion. 

1. How do you empower yourself and the women around you?

Empowering yourself and the women around you starts with recognizing your own worth and embracing your unique strengths and capabilities. Here are a few ways to empower yourself, as well as those around you:

a. Self-belief and self-care: Prioritize your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Practice self-compassion and cultivate a positive mindset, believing in your abilities and potential.

b. Education and continuous learning: Never stop seeking knowledge and expanding your skills. Educate yourself on a range of topics that interest you, keeping an open mind to different perspectives.

c. Encourage open communication: Create safe spaces for open and honest conversations. Be receptive to feedback and encourage others to share their thoughts and opinions without judgment.

d. Foster supportive networks: Build connections with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and values. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can provide support, guidance, and motivation.

e. Lead by example: Be authentic and true to yourself, showing others that it’s okay to embrace their own uniqueness. Demonstrate confidence and resilience in the face of challenges, inspiring others to do the same.

f. Advocate for gender equality: Promote equal opportunities and fair treatment for women in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and leadership roles. Advocate for policies and initiatives that support gender equity.

g. Mentorship and collaboration: Help uplift other women by offering guidance, support, and mentorship. Share your experiences and knowledge to help them achieve their goals, fostering a sense of collaboration rather than competition.

Remember, empowerment is an ongoing process. By taking small steps every day, you can make a positive impact not only on yourself but also on the women around you.

2. What is the change that is wanted, especially in the plus-size industry? What would success look like to you?

The plus-size industry has come a long way in recent years, but there are still significant changes that many would like to see to foster inclusivity and representation. Success in the plus-size industry would entail the following:

a. Expanded size ranges: Inclusive sizing should be the norm, with a wider range of sizes available in all clothing brands. This means offering stylish and well-fitting options for individuals of all body types, including those who are plus-size.

b. Diverse representation: The industry should prioritize representation by featuring diverse body shapes, sizes, and ethnicities in advertising campaigns, fashion shows, and media. This will help challenge traditional beauty standards and create a more inclusive and realistic portrayal of beauty.

c. Equal treatment: Plus-size individuals should receive the same quality of clothing options as straight-size individuals. Everybody deserves access to fashionable, trendy, and well-made clothes, regardless of size.

d. Positive messaging: The industry should promote body positivity and self-acceptance. Clothing brands and media should refrain from using language that reinforces negative stereotypes or perpetuates body shaming.

e. Collaboration and feedback: Engaging with the plus-size community is crucial. Listening to their voices, understanding their needs, and incorporating their feedback into the design, production, and marketing processes can lead to better products and more satisfying experiences for consumers.

These changes would signify success in the plus-size industry and contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society. Ultimately, success would mean that people of all sizes feel confident, comfortable, and represented in the fashion world.

3. What advice do you have for women who want to work in a male-dominated field?

For women aspiring to work in male-dominated fields, here is some advice. First and foremost, believe in yourself and your abilities. It can be easy to be intimidated by the gender imbalance, but remember that you have unique skills and perspectives to bring to the table. Build your confidence and trust in your capabilities. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and allies who can provide guidance, encouragement, and advice along your journey. Seek out professional development opportunities, attend conferences, and participate in networking events specific to your field to expand your knowledge and connections. Be assertive and proactive in seeking out challenging assignments and opportunities for growth. Actively seek out role models who have succeeded in your desired field and learn from their experiences. Be prepared to confront biases and stereotypes head-on, but always approach these conversations constructively and professionally. Keep learning and expanding your skillset to become a valuable asset in your chosen field. And finally, remember that change takes time, so have patience and persistence. Your presence can pave the way for future generations and contribute to breaking down barriers in the long run. Embrace your passion, believe in yourself, and make your mark on the path you choose to carve out in your chosen field.

4. How can we tackle our challenges from a position of strength?

Tackling challenges from a position of strength involves harnessing our inner resources and adopting a positive mindset. Firstly, it is essential to reflect on our strengths, skills, and past achievements. Recognize the unique qualities that make you capable and resilient. By acknowledging your capabilities, you can approach challenges with confidence. Additionally, cultivating a growth mindset is crucial. Embrace the belief that challenges are opportunities for growth and learning rather than barriers. Develop resilience by viewing setbacks as temporary and seeking ways to overcome them. Surround yourself with supportive and empowering individuals who can offer guidance and encouragement. Collaborating with others can provide diverse perspectives and potential solutions. Break down challenges into manageable steps, setting realistic goals to measure progress. Celebrate each achievement along the way, boosting motivation and confidence. Lastly, remember to practice self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By nurturing your well-being, you are better equipped to face challenges head-on. Tackling challenges from a position of strength involves utilizing your unique abilities, maintaining a positive mindset, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care.

5. What advice do you have for people who want to do more in life?

For those who aspire to do more in life, there are a few key pieces of advice to consider. Firstly, it is crucial to identify your passions and interests. Reflect on what truly excites and motivates you, as this will help guide your pursuits. Once you have a clear direction, set specific goals that align with your passions. Break these goals down into smaller, actionable steps to make them more attainable. Remember, however, that progress takes time and patience. Embrace continuous learning and self-improvement by seeking opportunities for growth, whether through reading, attending workshops, or pursuing further education. Additionally, surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who inspire and challenge you. Seek mentors who can offer guidance and share their own experiences. It is essential to remain disciplined and focused, managing your time effectively to ensure you allocate it towards your priorities. Lastly, embrace failure as an opportunity for growth rather than a setback. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. By following these guidelines, you can unlock your potential and accomplish more in life.

6. How do you train your mind to be positive in every situation?

Training your mind to be positive in every situation can be a transformative practice that enhances your overall well-being. One effective approach is to cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can become more attuned to negative patterns of thinking and consciously choose to shift your focus towards more positive and constructive thoughts.

Another helpful technique is reframing. This involves consciously reframing negative situations or challenges into opportunities for growth or learning. By looking for the silver lining or finding lessons in difficult experiences, you can cultivate a more positive mindset even in the face of adversity.

It is also crucial to surround yourself with positive influences and engage in activities that uplift you. Spending time with supportive friends, reading inspiring books, listening to motivational podcasts, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy can all contribute to fostering a positive mindset.

Lastly, practicing gratitude is a powerful tool to train your mind to be positive. Take time each day to reflect on and express gratitude for the things you appreciate in your life. This practice helps shift your focus from what you may be lacking to what you already have, fostering a sense of appreciation and contentment.

7. Do you think society’s mindset has changed for women’s empowerment?

Yes, society’s mindset has indeed undergone significant changes regarding women’s empowerment. Over the past few decades, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of empowering women and promoting gender equality. This shift in mindset can be attributed to several factors, including increased awareness and advocacy efforts by individuals, organizations, and governments.

There is now a greater understanding of the need to challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes that have marginalized women and limited their opportunities. Women empowerment has become a global movement with a focus on creating equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and leadership positions for women. This change in mindset is reflected in the numerous campaigns, initiatives, and policies that have been implemented around the world to address gender inequality.

Furthermore, there has been a shift in societal attitudes towards women’s rights and their value in various spheres of life. Women are increasingly being recognized for their talents, skills, and contributions to society. Efforts to amplify the voices of women, provide them with platforms for leadership, and celebrate their achievements have also played a role in changing societal mindsets.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that there is still work to be done. Despite the progress made, women continue to face various forms of discrimination, violence, and unequal treatment in many parts of the world. Continuing to challenge and transform societal norms, advocating for policy reforms, and educating future generations about gender equality will be crucial in sustaining this positive shift in society’s mindset towards women’s empowerment.

8. What do you think is the most significant barrier to female empowerment?

While there are multiple barriers to female empowerment, one of the most significant is deep-rooted gender stereotypes and societal expectations. These expectations often dictate prescribed roles and behaviours for women, limiting their opportunities for growth and self-expression. Such stereotypes perpetuate the notion that women are primarily suited for certain roles like caregiving while downplaying their abilities in other fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or leadership positions.

These gender biases can be observed from an early age when girls are often encouraged to conform to traditional gender norms and face limitations when it comes to pursuing their interests or ambitions. Society’s expectations and stereotypes can create a culture where women are undervalued, their contributions underestimated, and their potential constrained.

Moreover, these societal norms can lead to various forms of discrimination and unequal treatment, including limited access to education, unequal pay, underrepresentation in decision-making roles, and violence against women. Overcoming these barriers requires challenging and transforming deeply ingrained beliefs about gender roles, promoting inclusive education, providing equal opportunities, and fostering supportive environments that encourage women to thrive and fulfill their potential.

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