Junjaram Thory want to provide only authentic and reliable news through Sangri Today
Sangri Today aims at providing real and exclusive news in and around the world.

Sangri Today is an online news portal and weekly bilingual newspaper. Sangri Today aims at providing real and exclusive news in and around the world. It delivers and broadcasts news of all genre, both national and international, regardless of the country of origin or religion and political belief as it aims at providing real, independent and unbiased news.
Sangri Today was mentally founded in the year 2020, when its owner & founder saw & realised that social media is overflowing with tittle-tattles, fake & biased news, which were created mainly for the purpose of promoting, generating revenue or discrediting something or someone as a tactic for self profit, needed to be restrained as soon as possible.
Sangri Today was not only an objective thing, but a heartfelt desire of the founder & Owner, Mr. Junjaram Thory, He always had a vision for positive things & had his hearts & sights set on for doing the greater good by fighting back fallacious & misleading news & information.
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