Area of sowing of wheat and pulses increased in the country; February can become a cause of trouble for farmers
Agriculture: According to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, wheat has been sown in 324.38 lakh hectares this year till February 4, 2025, whereas wheat was sown in 318.33 lakh hectares by this time last year. That is, this year the area under wheat has increased by 6.05 lakh hectares.
The fascination of farmers in the country towards wheat is increasing. There has been a significant increase in the area under wheat this year as compared to last year. According to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, wheat has been sown in 324.38 lakh hectares this year till February 4, 2025, whereas wheat was sown in 318.33 lakh hectares by this time last year. That is, this year the area under wheat has increased by 6.05 lakh hectares.
The Meteorological Department has forecasted that temperature can even become high in February. The Meteorological Department's prediction can become a lesson in misery for farmers. Earlier in 2022, numerous crops including wheat were badly impacted by unseasonal temperatures in February. Wheat can suffer even with proper planting in such a scenario. The second major crop of the Rabi season is pulses. In a record, even pulse area increased in a big way this year. The total pulse sowing area was 140.89 lakh hectares in a year, 3.09 lakh hectares more than 137.80 lakh hectares in a year ago. Included in them are gram 98.55, lentil 17.43, peas 7.94, and urad 6.12 lakh hectares. There is a fall of 2.44 lakh hectares in gram planting in comparison with a year ago.
There has also been an increase in the cultivation of paddy planted in the Rabi season. This time paddy was cultivated in 42.54 lakh hectares which is more than 40.59 lakh hectares of last year. In the country, Rabi paddy cultivation is mostly done in South India and Maharashtra. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Shri Anna i.e. coarse grains have been cultivated in 55.25 lakh hectares. In this, jowar 24.35, maize 23.67 and barley 6.20 lakh hectares are prominent. The area of cultivation of Shri Anna is almost the same as last year.
This year, the total area of sowing of oilseed crops in the country has been recorded as 97.47 lakh hectares. Out of this, mustard has been sown in 89.30 lakh hectares. Whereas last year it was done in 91.83 lakh hectares. Due to the delay in harvesting paddy, farmers had to sow mustard in November. Generally, the month of October is considered the best for sowing mustard.