Nissan Motor will produce its electric cars in this country, told the plan of global launching

Nissan Motor on Sunday announced its intention to sell electric vehicles developed in China globally. The Japanese automaker is considering exporting its current lineup of internal combustion engine vehicles along with upcoming pure electric and plug-in hybrid cars manufactured and designed in China to international markets.

Dec 20, 2023 - 08:37
Nissan Motor will produce its electric cars in this country, told the plan of global launching

Nissan Motor on Sunday announced its intention to sell electric vehicles developed in China globally. The automaker has announced a collaboration with several leading universities in the country to accelerate research and development within the electric segment. Come, let us know the complete news regarding this.

The Japanese automaker is considering exporting its current lineup of internal combustion engine vehicles along with upcoming pure electric and plug-in hybrid cars manufactured and designed in China to international markets. Masashi Matsuyama, Vice President of Nissan Motor and President of Nissan China, gave this information in Beijing.

Nissan is eyeing markets that are being targeted by Chinese rivals like BYD. This signals a strategic move to penetrate the global market for electric vehicles. The initiative joins Nissan with other foreign automakers such as Tesla, BMW and Ford, which are increasing exports of vehicles made in China to take advantage of lower manufacturing costs and optimize factory capacity utilization.

In terms of numbers, China represented more than 20% of Nissan's global sales of about 2.8 million vehicles in the first 10 months of the year, up from less than a third in the same period last year. To expand its presence in China, Nissan has announced plans to set up a joint research centre with Tsinghua University next year.

This centre will focus on research and development of electric vehicles, which will include aspects like charging infrastructure and battery recycling. This collaboration builds on a joint research initiative with Tsinghua University in 2016.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Content Writer