AI facilitates the identification of patients' stress levels, according to Dutch researchers

Researchers observed that in a very short time, due to the AI algorithm, the stress in the patient is being confirmed. He said these preliminary results may get much better in the coming days.

Mar 20, 2024 - 11:29
AI facilitates the identification of patients' stress levels, according to Dutch researchers

Stress in the patient will now be easier to detect thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). Using this method, Dutch researchers have verified stress in patients. The study, which was published in the journal Nature Mental Health, involved children and adolescents from various countries, ranging in age from 10 to 25.

Using machine learning (ML) techniques, 3500 children, adolescents, and youth had their levels of stress identified. This kind of AI system uses data analysis to help machines learn and get better without the need for explicit programming. Researchers noticed that the patient's stress level was being verified quickly because of the AI algorithm. He predicted that in the next few days, these initial findings might improve significantly.

However, variations in its work may be observed depending on the geographic location. professor from the Netherlands' Leiden University. Stress-related disorders usually show up for the first time in adolescence and early adulthood, according to Moji Aghajani. Millions of young people worldwide are suffering greatly from the emotional, social, and financial effects of these disorders. India's youth are not immune to this either.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Content Writer